Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hello there,

I figured for my first blog post I should just tell you a little about myself. My name's Katherine, but everyone calls me Kat. I am fourteen years old and my life revolves around family, friends, reading, writing, and music. I'm currently living in Columbus, Ohio, and it's my dream to move to New York City once I finish college.
I have a best friend, Faith, and we've conjured up a plan of how our life will go. When we graduate from high school, we are going to Syracuse University together. While there, I will study broadcasting and journalism, and Faith will change her major about twenty-four times, before graduating with a very strange degree. During our four years spent at college we will run a YouTube channel together, and show off our wackiness in hopes of making people smile. After college is over, like I said, I would love to move to the city. Luckily Faith has agreed it's an ideal place to live, so I will get to have my best friend by my side while discovering the next chapter of my life.
While living in New York City, I would like to run a website, similar to this blog, where I talk about my interests through text, and through video. I could talk about anything from books, to music, to drama in my life, to the lessons I've learned, to the hottest celebrities, and so on and so forth. I'd love to travel the world, and further my experiences, and meet loads of interesting people!
I know these dreams seem a little far fetched, and possibly won't happen, but what's life if you aren't setting new goals and striving your hardest to achieve them? A lot of kids my age think it's strange I already have everything in my life figured out, but I think it just comes down to me knowing what I want and not being afraid to set lofty goals for myself. So many people are scared of the future and of growing up, but I welcome it like an old friend.
Though I look forward to what the future holds, I also appreciate my childhood and how precious it is. I know it's not like this forever, but I'd like to think that even when I'm fifty some years old, I'll still be young at heart. I have a theory: We will always be children in some capacity, no matter how old in age you are. Age does not define who we are. It doesn't matter if you're six, or sixty, you can still dance in the rain and have fun! (Just make sure you don't break your back)
At this point I think you have a pretty good understanding of who I am. Thank you for taking time to read this, it means a lot to me!

Yours truly,

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